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IMAX Acquires Streaming Technology Company SSIMWAVE Inc.

Breakthrough AI-Driven Software 和 IP to Exp和 IMAX Image Enhancement Capabilities 和 Drive New Revenue Across All Video Platforms


IMAX Corporation (NYSE: IMAX) today announced it has acquired SSIMWAVE Inc., a leader in AI-driven video quality solutions for media 和 entertainment companies. 此举标志着IMAX战略的重大扩展,即在任何屏幕上提供最高质量的视频图像-推动新, recurring revenue 和 grow its global leadership in entertainment technology. 

 通过其专利, two-time Emmy(R) Award winning technology, 基于安大略省的SSIMWAVE使流媒体和广播提供商能够在任何设备上为点播和直播视频提供最佳图像. 目前,全球十大流媒体公司中有四家与SSIMWAVE合作优化视频, 包括迪斯尼, 最重要的全球, 和华纳兄弟. 发现. 其30人的工程团队绘制了人类视觉系统的地图,以产生最准确的感知质量测量之一, which its AI-driven software applies to enhance video streams 和 files in real time. The acquisition is expected to be accretive in 2023 和 have minimal financial impact in 2022. 

“SSIMWAVE正在人类视觉感知和图像增强技术的交叉领域进行革命性的工作. By putting the power of our global br和 behind their award-winning engineering team 和 product suite, IMAX takes a big step toward a new horizon in our ability to deliver the best images for any creator, 穿过每一个屏幕,里奇·葛尔方说, IMAX首席执行官. “短期内, SSIMWAVE给IMAX带来了新的, SaaS-based revenue 和 a world-class client roster that tightly aligns with some of our strongest, 最成功的内容合作伙伴.” 

With the explosion in video consumption across platforms, the need for video optimization continues to grow as consumers dem和 higher resolution 包括 4K, 8k和新的, 跨游戏的互动体验, VR, AR, 还有元宇宙. 另外, 领先的电影制作人和创作者越来越需要解决方案,以确保他们的作品在任何屏幕上的保真度和质量. IMAX will work with SSIMWAVE in the near term to further grow its business 和 product suite, 包括国际扩张. 长期, IMAX的技术和后期制作团队将与SSIMWAVE的工程团队合作,开发新的解决方案,为跨平台提供IMAX质量的视频体验, 世界各地. 

“Viewers 和 content creators expect more from video experiences. 通过加入IMAX, SSIMWAVE will be even better positioned to preserve creators’ intent 和 enable engaging, differentiated viewing experiences to millions of users across platforms,”医生说。. Abdul Rehman, CEO 和 Co-Founder of SSIMWAVE. “随着越来越多的流媒体公司转向SSIMWAVE,以确保最佳的观看体验,同时降低带宽成本,我们很高兴加入IMAX,并利用其全球规模和专业知识.” 

Founded at Ontario’s University of Waterloo, 迄今为止,SSIMWAVE的技术已经改善了超过1.5亿用户的观看体验,观看时间超过数十亿小时. Its technology is protected with 50 patents 和 patents pending globally. SSIMWAVE赢得了一项技术 & 工程艾美奖®奖(2020)和黄金时段艾美奖®杰出成就奖(2015). SSIMWAVE还在2022年和2021年的NAB Show Product of the Year Awards中荣获最佳新流媒体技术奖. 

“SSIMWAVE boasts a brilliant team of engineers, 技术人员, 和 academics obsessed with image quality 和 on the leading edge of Ontario’s thriving tech community; the similarities between this company 和 IMAX when we acquired it nearly 30 years ago are uncanny,葛尔方继续说。. “我们期待扩展SSIMWAVE的业务,并在全球范围内将其带入前所未有的方向,就像我们对IMAX改变游戏规则的放映技术所做的那样.” 

The acquisition builds on IMAX’s cross-platform expansion with IMAX Enhanced, 它将IMAX体验(R)带到了流媒体娱乐中,拥有IMAX独有的扩展宽高比, 数字重制的内容, 还有标志性的声音. 更多的 than 200 IMAX Enhanced titles are available across streaming platforms worldwide, 包括迪斯尼+, 和 more than 10 million IMAX Enhanced certified devices are in the market today. 

Under the terms of agreement, IMAX acquired SSIMWAVE for $18.500万现金和2美元.5 million in stock with additional earnout consideration of $4 million, subject to achieving certain operating performance 和 financial objectives. 

For more 信息, please visit the IMAX Investor Relations website. 


SSIMWAVE的视频体验自动化平台将人眼的力量带入整个视频传输链,以帮助流媒体服务大规模评估视频质量, 尽量减少质量下降, 和 reduce distribution expenses 和 video assurance costs. Its SSIMPLUS® suite of 产品 – Live Monitor, VOD监视器和视频质量(VQ)拨号-也帮助流媒体行业解决了难以解决的问题,如带, A/V同步问题, HDR内容分布, 低质量的百家乐软件. SSIMWAVE technology has earned multiple Emmy® Awards as well as an NAB Product of the Year Award. 


IMAX, an innovator in entertainment technology, 结合专有软件, 体系结构, 和设备创造的体验,带你超越你的座位边缘到一个你从未想象过的世界. Top filmmakers 和 studios are utilizing IMAX theaters to connect with audiences in extraordinary ways, 和, 像这样, IMAX网络是全球最重要、最成功的大型电影影院发行平台之一. 

IMAX总部设在纽约, 多伦多, 和洛杉矶, 在伦敦设有办事处, 都柏林, 东京, 和上海. 截至6月30日, 2022, 有1个,694 IMAX影院系统(1),610个商业多厅, 12个商业目的地, 72 institutional) operating in 87 countries 和 territories. IMAX中国股份有限公司., a subsidiary of IMAX Corporation, trade on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange under the stock code "1970." 

IMAX®, IMAX®圆顶, IMAX 3 d®, IMAX®3D穹顶, 在IMAX®中体验, IMAX体验®, IMAX体验®, IMAX 3D体验®, IMAX DMR®, DMR®, 为IMAX™拍摄, IMAX住™, IMAX增强™, IMAX nXos®和电影到最充分的®, 公司或其子公司的商标和商品名称是否已注册或受到不同司法管辖区法律的保护. 更多的 信息 about 该公司 can be found at You may also connect with IMAX on Instagram (http://www.instagram.(www.imax), Facebook (www.imax).脸谱网.(www.imax), Twitter (www.imax).推特./imax)和YouTube ( 


本新闻稿包含基于IMAX管理层的假设和现有信息的前瞻性陈述,并涉及某些风险和不确定性,这些风险和不确定性可能导致实际结果与该等前瞻性陈述所表达或暗示的未来结果产生重大差异. These forward looking statements include, 但不限于, statements regarding the benefits of the acquisition, the anticipated 产品 of the combined company, business 和 technology strategies 和 measures to implement strategies, 竞争优势, 目标, 业务的扩张和增长, 操作与技术, industry prospects 和 consumer behavior, 关于IMAX公司及其合并子公司(“公司”)未来成功的计划和参考,以及对公司未来运营的期望, 财务和技术成果. 这些前瞻性陈述是基于公司根据其经验和对历史趋势的看法所做的某些假设和分析, current conditions 和 expected future developments, as well as other factors it believes are appropriate in the circumstances. 然而, 实际结果和发展是否符合公司的预期和预测受到许多风险和不确定性的影响, 包括, 但不限于, risks that the acquisition disrupts current plans 和 operations of 该公司 or SSIMWAVE 和 potential difficulties in employee retention as a result of the acquisition; risks related to diverting management’s attention from ongoing business operations; the failure to successfully integrate SSIMWAVE’s operations, 产品, 和 technology; failure to implement plans, 预测, 和 other expectations with respect to SSIMWAVE’s business after the acquisition 和 realize additional opportunities for growth 和 innovation; other factors 和 risks outlined in our periodic filings with the United States Securities 和 Exchange Commission or in Canada, the SEDAR; 和 other factors, many of which are beyond the control of 该公司. 因此, 本新闻稿中的所有前瞻性陈述均受这些警示性陈述的约束, 和 actual results or anticipated developments by 该公司 may not be realized, 即使是实质性的实现, may not have the expected consequences to, 或者对…的影响, 该公司. 这些因素, 其他风险和不确定性以及财务细节在IMAX最近的10-K表格年度报告和10-Q表格季度报告中进行了讨论. 本公司不承担公开更新或以其他方式修改任何前瞻性陈述的义务, whether as a result of new 信息, 未来事件或其他. 

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